Graduate Program FAQ

Before You Apply

Whom do I contact in the Materials Science and Engineering Department (MSE Department) at Penn with additional questions that are not addressed here?

Irene Clements (, 215-898-8337) is the Graduate Program Coordinator and is best person to contact. She can answer whatever questions you may have at any stage of the process.

If I want to get a master's degree (M.S.E. degree) as well as a Ph.D. degree, should I apply to the M.S.E. degree program or the Ph.D. degree program?

You should apply for the Ph.D. degree program. The requirements for the Ph.D. degree program supersede those for the M.S.E. degree program, thus the requirements for the master’s degree are automatically fulfilled during the course of your Ph.D. degree studies. You do not need to conduct two separate research projects (one for the M.S.E. degree, one for the Ph.D. degree) to obtain both degrees.

What is the Institution Code for reporting my scores to the University of Pennsylvania and Materials Science and Engineering?

The Institution Code for the University of Pennsylvania is 2888.

Does the department accept transfer students from other departments?

Yes, transfers from other departments are accepted, provided they meet the criteria set forth for all graduate students in the Materials Science and Engineering department. Transfer students are typically asked to include a letter of recommendation from a faculty member at their current school.

How Do I Apply?

The following links provide information on the Graduate Application Process for the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

After You Apply

What factors are taken into account when evaluating my application?

The underlying question that needs to be answered by your application is, “Does this applicant have the potential to be a research scientist?” Your academic background is a large part of this question. If you have previous undergraduate or industrial research experience, it makes it easier for the evaluation committee to discern your research ability. Your letters of recommendation are also important since they are often written by professors and those who evaluate research ability. The content of the application should demonstrate that you have the potential to be a research scientist. If your application does this, then you should feel confident in you acceptance to the MSE Department at Penn Engineering.

What happens after I get accepted? When do I need to formally accept or decline an offer of admission?

If you are a student in the U.S., you will be invited to visit Penn so that you can make a firsthand evaluation of whether Penn and the MSE Department are right for you. During the visit, you will speak with faculty and graduate students, receive a tour of both the department and the campus, and be treated to lunch at a local restaurant. Often, other activities can be planned with the graduate students, depending on the length of your stay. The MSE Department will reimburse you for your travel expenses. Visits by international applicants are not planned due to the complexities and costs of international travel.

The next step for you is to determine if you will accept the offer to conduct graduate studies at Penn. The official deadline for notifying the MSE Department with your decision is April 15.

As a foreign student, I cannot visit Penn prior to making my decision. How can I learn more about the department?

The Materials Science and Engineering website contains a wealth of information about both the department and Penn Engineering.

To start, you can read the Welcome from our Department Chair and also visit the University website to learn more about Penn and Philadelphia.

I received a letter of admission, but it didn't say anything about a research fellowship. Why is that?

When you are accepted to the MSE Department at Penn (Ph.D. only), you will receive two (2) letters regarding your acceptance. The first letter concerns admissions and is sent from the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). The second letter concerns the research fellowship and is sent directly from the MSE Department.


How do I choose a research advisor, and what are the chances that I will be able to work with my advisor of choice?

Any member of the MSE Graduate Group can serve as a research advisor. Students may already have an advisor at the time of admission. Even if you accepted our offer without a thesis advisor, you probably have an advisor or two in mind because they are likely one reason why you chose Penn and the MSE Department. You are encouraged to contact them or other potential advisors as soon as possible to make virtual or office appointments, and you may also want to speak with their graduate students or post-docs. This is to determine if there is a common interest and if the working environment is compatible with your expectations. Through this process you may finalize the advisor selection prior to arrival at Penn. If not, then you will complete the process on campus and submit to the Graduate Group Chair a ranked list of your top three advisors by October 1st of the first semester. In consultation with faculty, the Graduate Group Chair will determine which students will join which groups. The likelihood that you will be able to work with your highest ranked advisor is typically 100 percent.

Can I "pre-select" a research advisor prior to my arrival at Penn?

Yes, see the answer to “How do I choose an advisor?” Again, students almost always get to work with their top-ranked advisor, so you shouldn’t have to worry about it too much.

What do I do about finding a place to live?

One option is the University’s on-campus graduate student housing ( This is probably the easiest option, but is usually more expensive than finding an off-campus apartment. The University’s Office of Off-Campus Housing ( is an invaluable resource if you decide to look for an apartment yourself. Talking with current graduate students would also be quite useful in your search.

Am I required to be a teaching or lab assistant as a graduate student in the MSE department?

No teaching or lab assistantship is required for the Ph.D. or M.S.E. degree programs. However, this option is often available for students who would like this experience.

As a non-citizen of the U.S., what information do I need to know about visas?

Issues, such as visas, concerning international students should be directed to the International Student and Scholar Services Office (215-898-4661).

See Also:

Applying to Graduate Program FAQ

Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Group Faculty

Groups + Resources

Forms for Graduate Students

MSE Newsletter Archive


Dr. Ling Li
Associate Professor and Graduate Group Chair

Dr. Mahadevan Khantha
Senior Lecturer;  Director, Master’s Program
Office: 221 LRSM

Ms. Irene Clements
Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: Room 201, LRSM
Phone: 215-898-8337