Groups + Resources for Graduate Students


The Materials Graduate Organization (MatGO) is the graduate student group within the Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Group in Penn Engineering.  MatGO is dedicated to building social connections within the department and providing professional development opportunities.  Our social events include Tuesday afternoon coffee hours, wine tasting, and a summer barbecue where you can connect with peers in a more relaxed setting.  We also have several intramural sports teams with delightfully puny names, e.g. our softball team is the Infrared Sox. MatGO, in conjunction with faculty and staff, also coordinates professional development and networking opportunities to learn about opportunities and career paths after graduate school.  Current activities include lunches with seminar speakers and discussions with alumni.  Perhaps most importantly, MatGO mentors the first-year graduate students as they transition from undergraduate to graduate students, select research advisors, prepare for the qualifying exams and the qualifying courses, and acclimate to Penn and Philadelphia.  MatGO also coordinates activities with other graduate student organizations on campus (GSEG, AWE, and GAPSA).

MatGO is open to all Master’s, PhD, and visiting graduate students. We look forward to seeing you at Penn MSE!

Click here to sign-up for MatGO emails.


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Career Services

Marks Family Writing Center

Weingarten Learning Resources Center

See Also:

Applying to Graduate Program FAQ

Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Group Faculty

Groups + Resources

Forms for Graduate Students

MSE Newsletter Archive


Dr. Ling Li
Associate Professor and Graduate Group Chair

Dr. Mahadevan Khantha
Senior Lecturer;  Director, Master’s Program
Office: 221 LRSM

Ms. Irene Clements
Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: Room 201, LRSM
Phone: 215-898-8337