MSE Alumni
Since the department was founded in 1946, over one thousand undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral associates have been affiliated with MSE and the LRSM. Our alumni have gone on to establish very successful careers in academia, government, and industry. We would like to share the successes and accomplishments of our alumni and provide a mechanism for re-establishing contacts with old friends and colleagues. We invite you to contact us to let us know your achievements and also recommend visiting the Penn Engineering Alumni Society website where you will find links to a variety of reseources and events.
We love to hear from MSE alumni. Please do not hesitate to contact our Department Chair, Shu Yang, at shuyang@seas.upenn.edu.
Our LinkedIn page is a great outlet to reconnect with alumni and current faculty, staff and students in the department. We also welcome job postings to pass along to current MSE students.
We send an email newsletter filled with departmental news three times annually. To keep up-to-date with the latest announcements from MSE, subscribe to our newsletter here.
See Also:
MSE Newsletter: